STORYBOARD ROUGHS - January 12th, 2012

Curse Of The Wolfs Heart Storyboard Roughs © 2012 Jeff Lafferty

The List!
Here’s the 'rough' storyboard I worked up for the rest this first scene.

I planned out another seven shots. I’m not sure if it’ll take me out to the three minute mark or not. If it doesn’t, I’m going to keep adding shots till I get there.

Ideally, I’d like to make each episode at least three minutes long. I figure that’s a good youtube length.

I also sat down today and tried to make a list of what needs to be done, and when.

First things first, I need to get the storyboard finished, at least to the end of this first scene.

That’s important because its going to show me exactly what I need to build, and what I don’t.

Next I need to finish designs for the three main characters, the birds and the exterior of the castle.

It sounds like a lot, but by the way I’ve been going, I feel like I'll burn through it pretty quickly.

Then start building puppets, build sets and make props … then shoot and edit.

Its an easy thing to plan out, a hard thing to actually accomplish ... but this time around, I will accomplish it!

Also I wanted to mention, I’m switching the 365 day challenge thing, from my sketch card site - link to this one.

My card business pretty much runs itself as long as I’m producing new work. I don’t really need any more motivation to do cards, but I do need it here. So hopefully this will add fuel to the fire, and keep my foot down on the peddle!

See you all tomorrow.
read the previous update ...


M-Flem-Jr said...

BOOM!!! This is great Jeff, Love how you are busting all this stuff out man. The concept work and now the storyboards? wow man, Inspiring!

Manu said...

Very good, Jeff ! Very good..... ^^

Shelley Noble said...

Go get 'em, Jeff! Gogogogogogogo!

Jeff Lafferty said...

Thanks Mike, cool things are happening!

Thanks Manu!

Thank you Shelley